John J. Halloran, Jr., P.C.

EU-US Summit (Brussels, March 26, 2014)

On March 26, 2014, at the conclusion of the EU-US Summit, the United States and the European Union issued a Joint Statement that declared, in part: "We, the leaders of the European Union and the United States, met today in Brussels to reaffirm our strong partnership. We reaffirmed our shared values of democracy, individual freedom, the rule of law and human rights, and a common commitment to open societies and economies. Starting from those values, the European Union and the United States work together every day to address issues of vital interest and importance to our citizens and the world. We strive to create jobs and sustainable growth through sound economic policies. We seek a landmark Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership to build our common prosperity. We undertake joint efforts to build security and stability around the globe and to tackle pressing global challenges like climate change. Today, we took stock of our achievements, set priorities and charted the way ahead for a stronger transatlantic relationship, and rededicated ourselves to building a safer, more prosperous world for future generations." (Read PDF >>)

Following the Summit, a joint news conference was held at the Justus Lipsius building in Brussels and President Obama emphasized: "Europe is America’s closest partner. Europe, including the European Union, is the cornerstone of our engagement around the globe. We are more secure and we are more prosperous -- the world is safer and more just -- when Europe and America stand as one." (Read PDF at 2 >>) In equally powerful terms, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, stated: "Events in Ukraine and elsewhere go to show that there are many unsettling uncertainties. That is why the solid certainty of the transatlantic relationship is so crucial. It is the bedrock to face these challenges: a bond of friendship, tested by history. And that bond is shock-proof." (Read PDF >>) José Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission, directly addressed President Obama and stated: "Your visit sends a very strong signal. First of all to the European citizens, in the sense of how important this transatlantic relationship is for Europe and for the United States of America; to the American people – and I would like to say to the American people that you can count on us as your best friends and allies; and also to the rest of the world." (Read PDF >>)